
Thursday 7 March 2013

Easter Bunny and Quilting Mat Bag Designs

Help! February has passed me by. I was so busy I never saw most of it. My friend Cheryl, who has a wonderful blog Healing Woman (please do  pop over and visit her, she's an amazingly talented artist, sculptor, writer and all round creative wonder!) noticed I hadn't posted for a while, which  jogged me into action! Thanks Cheryl,  your e-mail was the prompt I needed. In simplifying life this year I've tried to spend less time on line, so I  don't get side tracked surfing the net. It's very easy for me to find an hour has passed looking at interesting things which are really not relevant to what I'm doing. Does anyone else have this problem? Since I have spent a lot of time working on my own it seems much easier to be distracted by things. The internet is a wonderful way to help you prevaricate!

When I  was not getting sidetracked I managed to finish a new doll - rather different from the normal ones.
This is Lobelia Long Ears, a button jointed Easter Bunny. She's a new pattern, which  needs some tweaks, but I rather like her. I intended to put her up for sale, but I'm still too nervous to stock my Etsy shop!

Her little nose is stuffed wool felt and I keep stroking it! She's a very good girl, sits up very nicely, and is an excellent listener.

On a completely different track - this is my 'Quilt Class carrier'  bag -  I was asked to create a pretty design for a pattern and workshop. The bag needed to hold a medium sized cutting board, and this is what I came up with.

It also has an inside pocket for your long ruler and an A4 pocket for books and handouts. The handle length means it can be carried over the shoulder or by hand - if you are not vertically challenged like me!

I really liked how these fabrics went together, very spring like and fresh. Normally I don't use florals, but I think this rose design is very sweet.  Making this bag was a real challenge, cos it's huge, but it rolls up neatly so you can store it away easily in class, as storage space is so often at a premium  when you're doing a workshop!

One of the reasons I've been extra busy is that I've been asked to create some stitchery designs for a regular class, and some patterns too. This is really exciting for me as it's a real chance to combine hand embroidery and stitching - and to use some of those ideas in my journals at last!  One design is complete, but it's on it's way somewhere so I can't share until the recipient's seen it!

It's great  to be sketching and drawing again. I hope to show what I've been up to soon and as always your comments and suggestions will be very welcome. Hope you get time to pop in and let me know what have you all been up to? x


  1. Ahhh, your bunny is sweet :-)

  2. Your little bunny is very sweet. She looks like she IS a very understanding listener! :)))

  3. your bunny is so cute.
    Like the carrying bag, I made one out of some left over jelly rolls, very useful.
    Best of luck with your classes and working out what you will teach in them

  4. Jules - that bunny is so sweet! I love her ears :) Your quilt bag beautiful, I love the greens and pinks and of course the red rickrack trim - lovely!

  5. Alright girlfriend...first, you know I adore the bunny! Second, stock your darn shop cause you totally rock! Third, woo hoo for you on designing new patterns! Fourth, you are an incredible multi talented artist! I know because I own many different items that you have created. Finally, believe in yourself as much as me, Andy and all your adoring fans do. You are a star! :)
    Love ya to bits! (I said that in my best British accent) hee,hee,hee.


If you have time please leave me a comment. I love to hear what you think.x