Sunday, 15 January 2012

TAST week 2 Buttoned up at last

Finally, I have finished. I woke in agony last weekend , I've twisted my pelvis,  so that, plus vertigo  and extreme tiredness has rendered me rather useless all week. Apologies for the poor stitching! Sorry I haven't been able to visit anyone this week, I'll try and catch up as soon as I'm able.

I did some stitches on Aida 14 count which I found really hard, it's years since I have used any sort of even weave fabric.

Buttonhole said owl to me. In my head this was going to look a lot more detailed but time and pain have said no!  So he's turned out a sort of 70s retro owl, with  a mini sampler chest.

Happy stitching!


  1. Love the owl! Hope you're feeling better soon.

  2. Poor Jules! Hope pain is relenting and you're soon back on form.=) I wondered where you'd been...

    The stitching you've done is impressive under the circs. I'm intrigued that you got the inspiration for an owl from the stitch! Way to go!=)

  3. Awesome tail feathers!! Well done! Feel better soon!

  4. Oh Jules I hope you are feeling well soon! I'm sorry you haven't been well. I have missed my blogging friends! Mom is doing great and we did finally finish our harvest just before the holidays. Life continues to be busy, but good. Happy New Year and do feel better soon! I wish you well!

  5. Oh Dear Jules,I,m glad you managed to do some stitching even so. Get well soon Hugs Jillxx

  6. This just absolutely and uniquely lovely. The 70s owl is a darling. And the tail feathers are super.

  7. I am sorry that you have been unwell. Your owl is just too cute. Congratulations of TAST week 2. Hope you feel better soon xxxx

  8. I hope you are feeling better soon! This is some lovely stitching - I love the owl!

  9. He's a lovely owl - well done!

  10. What a wonderful and creative way to stitch an owl with the buttonhole stitch. Very neat! Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. Hope you recover soon.

  11. He's splendid! His feet remind me of a macrame owl I made way back when. Very effective use of the buttonhole stitch!


If you have time please leave me a comment. I love to hear what you think.x