Monday, 2 September 2013

Rustic Christmas Table Centrepiece

This is the latest thing I  designed for the shop. Probably the most difficult thing I've ever had to  photograph. I ironed, and ironed, but  every time I took it to the mat board it would just not stay flat! It's so big I just couldn't get a really nice shot. Everyone says it looks a lot better in the flesh! My idea was that you could take one or more of the individual appliques and put it on table mats/ napkins or decorations,  the centrepiece was a way to bring them  together.

I have to say, this was not my personal choice to design and I think that shows. It felt very restrictive, and it took ages to finish. as it was begun in the heatwave and I was heartily sick of Christmas fabric by the end! Although I  do like the individual appliques,  rustic stitching and the general idea, I'm not going to design any thing else unless I actually want to do it!

The lettering is my favourite part, and was actually fun to do.

OK, I do like the  cheery robin.

The tree isn't too bad.

The stocking was quite fun too.

The simple stitching actually looks quite pretty.

 Mr Snowman came out ok......

 I'm just glad it's done! x


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Jules!
    You sound a bit down about this sewing centrepiece! Personally, I can see the skill it takes to make it with the detailed stitching, and that looks really good to me!
    I especially love the little robin, Christmas tree and stocking. The writing is incredibly neat as well. Great Job all round!
    Best wishes,
    Jo. xx

  3. this will look lovely on the table at christams, wonder what size it is as you say it is large. The individual applique pieces are great, of course the robin gets my vote.

  4. It's hard to design something that isn't in your own preferred style. If you find a large piece of board and damp-stretch the piece, you might find you can get it to lie flat...

  5. I think you have done an excellent job, particularly if your heart wasn't really in it. I am very much the same. Anything I make has to come from the heart or it's just no use. But, you have done a great job - I particularly like the lettering (so neat!) and the robin as well. And, you have reminded me that it might be time to start that Christmas piece I've been planning......

  6. I like the way it is not flat, it looks hand made with love.

  7. The stitching is so lovely! I can see where this quilted tree base took you ages to finish and the results made it worth it. This will be an heirloom in your family and a tribute to your amazing sewing ability Jules.


If you have time please leave me a comment. I love to hear what you think.x